© Created By JEM Design Solutions, Clear Lake, SD 57226
A barbershop complete with barber chair, wash basin, cabinets and mirror is part of the display donated on behalf of Ralph Lavin, who barbered for 57 years in Clear Lake. Lavin paid Shorty Koenecke $200 in 1932 for the equipment. Barbershops, also called tonsorials, often offered shower baths as well as haircuts and shaves. Published prices in 1935 were: Haircuts: $.35 Children $.25 Shaves: $.20 Tonic: $.20 Shampoo: $.35 Massages: $.35 The beauty shop features a variety of hair curlers from curling irons heated in a lamp to pink clip-on rollers. See the salon-style Helene Curtis dryer and a pink plastic hood-style home dryer. Well known community barbers & beauticians over time included: Ralph Lavin Alta Cochran Lee Chaplin Jesme Sisters Bud Splinter Voss Sisters John Wright Ruth Collins Harold Wright Beverly Fischer Luke Giessinger Olive VanGroningen Lela TeKrony